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Manor Church of England

Infant School

Love, Trust and Truth

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Yellow Class 2023- 2024

Buckler's Hard

In History, we have been learning about Admiral Lord Nelson. We visited Buckler's Hard to learn about ship building.​​​​​​


We had a great time at our swimming lessons.

Samba Drumming

We learnt Samba drumming with HMS. We performed the music we had learnt to our parents.

Science Walk

We made some great observations on our Science walk. We found lots of flowers and animals.


​​​​​​New Media

In Art, we have been learning about how we can use new media in collage. We created these lovely collages of the New Forest.

Dibden Inclosure

As part of our learning in Geography, we went to Dibden Inclosure to look at features of the New Forest.


We learnt how to play the ukulele with HMS.


We have started our tuned percussion lessons with HMS.


In Art we used pencil to draw an image of a teddy. We thought about line, shape and texture.

Focus Author

This half term we are reading books by Mini Grey.


This half term we are learning about different toys. We are learning about what toys in the past were like.
