Curriculum Intent
At Manor, our Computing curriculum enables children to:
- stay safe online;
- understand who their trusted adults are and know what to do if they come across something that upsets them;
- demonstrate a positive attitude to computing learning in which they are encouraged to use their own initiative, imagination, reasoning and investigative skills;
- prepare for their future by giving them the opportunities to gain knowledge and develop skills that will equip them for an ever changing digital world;
- make use of computing to support and enrich their learning in other curriculum areas;
- choose appropriate ICT to present their work to different audiences;
- have access and learn to use the latest digital resources;
- have access to computing in a safe environment;
- appreciate the relevance of computing in our society and that they see it as an essential tool for learning, communication, finding information and for controlling and understanding their environment.
At Manor, our computing curriculum recognises that computing is able to be taught both as a discrete subject as well as being woven throughout the curriculum. Many of the skills are transferrable which provides a wealth of learning opportunities across the curriculum. Computing sessions are taught once a week however, in addition it is incorporated to support other areas of learning across the curriculum.
In Year R, computing is planned and taught through adult directed activities as well as being part of the enhanced and continuous provision. All children are encouraged to select and use technology for particular purposes. Children have access to i-Pads and laptops at all times. Children use remote control devices to begin to experiment with Computer Science. Children are encouraged to used use the iPads effectively and for a clear purpose, for example playing phonic games or taking photos on walks around the school grounds. Parents are also encouraged to send observations of their children using, recognising and talking about technology via Tapestry, an Online Learning Journal.
In KS1, Computing is taught discretely as well as through other areas of the curriculum. Our long term plan incorporates all areas of the computing national curriculum which comprises of 3 main parts; Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Computer Science. Knowledge and skills are taught progressively, allowing the children to embed their learning over time.
Digital Literacy involves using ICT purposefully as a tool for learning. The children learn to use the internet safely to search for information, use the keyboard to type text, make modifications to their work including changing the font size and colour, and to save and retrieve their work. The children use i-Pads to take their own photos and videos and learn to manipulate these images. The children are also taught how technology is used in the wider world. They do this by looking at how a super market works and how we use technology in the school office.
Information Technology is the understanding of how ICT is used beyond school and how to keep safe on the internet. We teach e-safety as an explicit part of our curriculum through Computing and PSHE. We discuss issues such as: keeping personal information private, trusting people and sources online, treating others online as we would in real life, posting images online, and what to do if anything makes children feel uncomfortable online. We use the Thinkuknow –Jessie and Friends e-safety videos and we also use stories such as Smartie the Penguin, Chicken Clicking and Digiduck’s Big Decision to enhance the e-safety curriculum. We have a school computing charter which is regularly discussed with the children and shared with parents.
Computer Science teaches the principles of information and computation.
It involves creating and debugging simple programs using algorithms. At Manor, we introduce the language of Computer Science in different contexts. We begin with using precise verbal instructions (algorithms) to carry out classroom routines. We then move on to using the Beebots and create their own algorithms for their friends to follow. The children learn that sometimes they will need to ‘fix’ their algorithms by debugging.
By the time the children leave Manor at the end of Year 2 they will:
- understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous Instructions;
- be able to create and debug simple programs;
- be able to use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs;
- be able to use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content;
- be able to recognise common uses of information technology beyond school;
- know how to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.