Year 2 - Chestnut Class 2024 - 2025
Spring 1 Week 5
We marked Children’s Mental Health Week with a variety of activities based on the theme ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’. Chestnut Class took part in Cosmic Yoga, making friendship bands, a story in our wild area, walking barefoot and thinking of 3 things that make us happy. In DT we created our own moving picture posters about the Isle of Coll. We went on a science walk to Manor Pond and saw some ducks. In Computing, we programmed the BeeBots to move around the maps we created based on Katie Morag’s island.
Spring 1 Week 4
This week in DT we explored pop-up books, specifically focusing on sliders, pop-ups, spinners and levers. We then experimented with moving parts and planned our own moving poster about the Isle of Coll.
Spring 1 Week 3
We explored the story ‘Katie Morag Delivers the Mail’ this week and researched some postcodes in Geography. We began learning the ukulele in music. In Computing we programmed the BeeBots to move around a map.
Spring 1 Week 2
This week went on a pretend ‘flight’ to the Isle of Coll as part of our Geography learning.
Spring 1 Week 1
This week we read some Katie Morag stories as part of our new topic ‘Katie Morag’. In Geography we learnt about the Isle of Coll and identified human and physical features. In Art, we created a rainbow using collage techniques.
Spring 1
Our topic this half term is ‘Katie Morag’.
This half term (Spring 1) we are reading books by Simon James.
Autumn 2 Week 7
This week we designed and made our own biscuits. We also took part in the Christingle Service at All Saints Church in Fawley and had our school Christmas dinner afterwards. We have been weaving using the looms by following our plans in Art.
Autumn 2 Week 6
This week we had our school Nativity and we performed ‘The Donkey Seller’. We finished our group weaving and are proud of our work. This week we took part in a ‘Santa Dash’ which was lots of fun! In DT we tried some biscuits in preparation for making our own Christmas biscuits next week.
Autumn 2 Week 5
This week we went to the MAST Theatre in Southampton to see ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar Christmas Show’. It was great! We have been learning about binary trees in Computing and created our own on the laptops.
Autumn 2 Week 4
This week we went to Calshot Castle and had a guided tour. It was great to see the castle and go inside! We have been using the laptops in Computing to create a bar chart. In Art we experimented with colour and used paint to see which colours go together. In Science we continued our bug hotel learning as part of our longitudinal study and designed the hotel for the insects.
Autumn 2 Week 3
This week we took part in Inter Faith week and learnt about Buddhist Tradition. We took part in a Green Cross Code virtual session and learnt about road safety. In Maths, we have been learning how to subtract. It snowed on Thursday and we had great fun experiencing the snow!
This week we also received a letter from the Brazilian Embassy in response to our letters about the Amazon Rainforest.
Autumn 2 Week 2
This week we commemorated Remembrance Day and came to school dressed as evacuees. We have been learning about addition in maths and solving problems. In PE this week we developed our gymnastics skills. In Art we learnt about Eva Salazar and had a go at weaving in different ways. We took part in an author webinar with Jacqueline Wilson and learnt about being an author. We raised money for Children in Need on Friday and the School Council sold biscuits.
Autumn 2 Week 1
We had a great time on our science walk this week to Manor Pond. We saw lots of ducks and identified seasonal changes. In Science this week we also worked in groups to research what New Forest animals eat.
Autumn 2
Our topic this half term is ‘Castles’.
This half term (Autumn 2) we are reading books by Lauren Child.
Autumn 1 Week 8
This week in RE we have been learning about Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita. We also had our music concert and performed to an audience.
Autumn 1 Week 7
This week we finished our tree sculptures by adding detail with paint.
Autumn 1 Week 6
As part of our topic ‘Our Forest Home’, we went on a school trip to the New Forest. We had a lovely morning walking around the forest, looking at maps, doing bark rubbings and having a go at creating sticky strips with natural materials. We also created our winding mechanisms this week as part of our DT learning. In Art we painted our clay tree sculptures.
Autumn 1 Week 5
We began our DT learning this week and explored winding mechanisms. We looked at some around our school and shared some winding mechanisms we found at home. We then had a go at making a winding mechanism with a partner. In Science we explored ‘stretchiness’ and sorted objects based on if it was stretchy. We also enjoyed the Prazin’ Hands puppet show on Thursday which was about friendships.
Autumn 1 Week 4
This week we held out annual Harvest Service. The School Councillors took donations to the local Foodbank. We solved addition problems in maths and continued to explore the story ‘Jonah and the Big Fish’ in RE. The PTFA organised a sponsored bounce on Friday which was lots of fun.
Autumn 1 Week 3
We had a great time in art this week making sculptures of ourselves. We have been learning addition in maths. In Science, we grouped materials based on their properties and explored softness. We also began our RE learning this week and acted out the story of Jonah.
Autumn 1 Week 2
This week as part of our topic ‘Our Forest Home’, we explored maps of the New Forest and discussed how it is managed and maintained. We then began learning about the Brazilian Rainforest and labelled pictures in groups. In art we experimented creating sculptures with clay. On Thursday we began our Hampshire Music Service lessons and played tuned percussion instruments. In Science we explored what materials objects are made of and described the properties. We have also created a story map for ‘The Magic Brush’ story.
Autumn 1 Week 1
We have had a great first week back at school!
Chestnut Class have explored numbers in Maths and learnt a new story called ‘The Magic Brush’ in English. We have learnt all about minibeasts in Science and enjoyed getting active in our PE lessons.
Well done Chestnut Class!
Autumn 1
Our topic this half term is ‘Our Forest Home’.