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Manor Church of England

Infant School

Love, Trust and Truth

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The governing body, consisting of parents, members of staff, representatives of the local community and local authority bring a wealth of experience to the school and provide an objective overview of the work of the school.


They take responsibility for staff appointments, curriculum review and financial management. Governors are appointed, co-opted or elected for a four year term and are very valuable members of our school community.


Our Governing Body consists of 13 Governors. Our Governing Body is made up of:

  • at least two parent governors who are elected by the parents
  • one local authority governor
  • the headteacher
  • one staff governors
  • two foundation governors
  • five co-opted governors
  • one ex officio governor

The term of office for all categories is for a fixed period of four years. The Headteacher and Vicar remain as governors whilst in post.

Mrs Michelle Hale Headteacher / Staff Governor- Member of all Committees, Pecuniary interest – Employed at the school


Mrs Teresa Pickup – Co-Opted Governor - Chair of Governors – Chair of  Pay and Performance Committees - Safeguarding Governor - Communications / Press Governor – Term End 10/09/2027, No pecuniary interests


Mrs Sarah Munns – Staff Governor – Curriculum and Standards Committee Member – Term End Date 04/11/2024, Pecuniary interest – Employed at the school


Mrs Tracie Burroughs – Parent Governor – Curriculum and Standards Committee Member, Pupil Premium, More Able Governor – Term End Date 08/05/2026, No pecuniary interests


Mr James Lloyd – Co-Opted Governor - Chair of Resources Committee – Health and Safety Governor -  Term End Date 02/07/2027, No pecuniary interests


Mrs Eve Loughton - Parent Governor - Vice Chair of Resources Committee -  English Governor - Term End Date 03/11/2024, No Pecuniary interests


Reverend Alison Bennett - Ex-Officio Governor - Wellbeing Governor - No pecuniary interests


Mrs Lilian Armstrong - Co-Opted Governor - Curriculum and Standards Member - EYFS Governor - Term End Date 17/05/26 - Pecuniary Interest in local business


Mrs Sue Harding - Foundation Governor - Resources Committee Member - Term End Date 17/05/26- No pecuniary interests


Cllr Peter Armstrong - Local Authority Governor - Resources Committee Member - Term End Date 05/12/27 - No pecuniary interests  


Mrs Bridget Durrant - Foundation Governor - Curriculum and Standards Committee Member - Term End Date 24.09.28 - No pecuniary interests


Mrs Tracy O’Connor - Clerk


Co-Opted Governor Vacancy

Full Governing Body Minutes are available on request from the school office.