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Manor Church of England

Infant School

Love, Trust and Truth

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School Improvement Priorities

School Improvement Priorities 

Rationale: In order to further improve the education provided by our school we will be focusing on improving the following areas:


Quality of Education:

  1. To improve writing outcomes for the more able.

  2. To further develop task design in reading comprehension activities so that tasks are clearly linked to the school’s reading expectations, with a focus on Year 2, ensuring KS1 outcomes remain high.

  3. To further develop the opportunities to develop reasoning and problem solving to embed and secure children’s mathematical knowledge and understanding, with a focus on Year 2.

  4. To provide reading, writing and Maths interventions to close any gaps in learning.

  5. To ensure the precise knowledge the children need to learn in DT and Geography is embedded in planning from Year R to Year 2.

  6. To review homework expectations for each year group.

  7. To review systems for pupil progress reporting.


Behaviour and Attitudes:

  1. To continue to focus on maintaining high standards of behaviour with children behaving with consistently high levels of respect for others.

  2. To further engage in social action and to be courageous advocates for change locally, nationally and globally.

  3. To further increase attendance to 96+% for all groups.


Personal Development:

  1. To further develop the Christian character of the school by reviewing the school’s core values.

  2. To provide an environment where positive mental health conversations and support are available for all members of the school community.

  3. To develop children’s ability to hold balanced and well-informed conversations about religion and belief.


Leadership and Management:

  1. To create a safeguarding overview which reflects the school safeguarding provision and expectations, so that the SLT have a greater range of evidence of the school’s safeguarding culture.

  2. For DT and Geography subject leaders to embed the planned refinements to the curriculum, ensuring a clear progression from Year R to Year 2.

  3. To ensure additional funding provides good outcomes for pupils: Pupil Premium, SEN, Sports, School Led Tutoring.

  4. For Foundation Governors to focus on their strategic role, thereby ensuring the School Improvement priorities (SIP) constantly challenge and enable Manor to further improve as a Church school.


Early Years:  

  1. To further improve the provision for communication and language in all areas of the EYFS.
