Harvest Festival
The Harvest Festival is a celebration of the food grown on the land. It reminds us of all the good things God gives us. At Manor, we bring food from home to our Harvest Festival Service. After the service, the food that has been put on display is taken to the local Foodbank in Blackfield by our School Councillors.
Thank you from Jan Hayter, Project Co-ordinator at the Waterside Foodbank
On behalf of Waterside Foodbank I am writing to express our very grateful thanks for your Harvest donation of food which weighed 82.0 kg which is the equivalent of providing 254 meals.
During COVID the foodbank has been doing doorstep deliveries only to referred clients and providing extra food to help people during these testing times. The Foodbank has seen a 20% increase in demand. During last week, 25 Emergency Foodboxes were delivered which used just over half a tonne of food - 559.60 kg. This provided food for 41 adults and 32 children. Since March over 17 tonnes of food has been distributed.
So, thank you so much for your continued support and I enclose a Thank You Poster for you to display and please pass on our very grateful thanks to all concerned.
Harvest Festival 2020