Aims and Vision
Aims of Our School
To try our best at everything we do.
To develop the ability to work independently, co-operatively and with self-discipline.
To value and appreciate one another.
To listen with respect to one another.
To prepare pupils for the responsibilities, opportunities and experiences of adult life.
To foster a caring attitude to the world around us.
Our Vision
Our school values are: Love Trust and Truth
At Manor, our vision is our core values. Through our values of love, trust and truth, the school gains its identity.
Love is a core value for our Church school because God is love. (1 John 4:16). Love means putting others before yourself and not expecting anything in return.
We demonstrate this by showing love and respect for each other throughout our lives because we are all made in God’s image.
Trust is a core value for our Church school because if we trust in God we will be led on the right path. We learn of trust through stories in the Bible.
In the story of ‘The Amazing Catch of Fish’ (John 21: 1-6) Jesus taught the fishermen who had been fishing all day with no success to trust in him and to fish on the other side of the boat. The fishermen trusted Jesus and did as he said and their nets were filled to bursting point with fresh, wriggling fish.
We show our trust when we look for the best in others, are dependable but also are confident enough to take risks.
Truth is a core value for our Church school because children believe that when we live in truth we follow Jesus’ example. ‘I am the way, the truth and the life.’ (John 14 6).
We could look to examples of the disciples believing in Jesus’ word as the truth and following him. Also, the belief that Mary and Joseph showed in the words of the angels.
We can show a truthful attitude by understanding that the true value of life lies in the love and care that we show for the world, children making a positive contribution to making the world a better place.