Trailblazer at Manor
Throughout the year, children at Manor participate in a Hampshire scheme called Trailblazer.
Trailblazer is a scheme that promotes a balanced approach to outdoor and environmental education.
You can find out more about Trailblazer on their website:
Children love to be outside and Trailblazer gives them the opportunity to:
- discover the environment - by taking part in activities that promote understanding of the environment and the issues involved, with an enquiry-based approach to develop thinking skills, connecting outdoor learning to the curriculum.
- explore the environment – by taking part in fun and challenging and adventurous activities, where the challenge is to solve a problem, achieve a task or complete a journey, using new skills.
- care for the environment –by taking part in awareness-raising projects that aim at maintaining, improving or caring for a location or environment.
Autumn - November 2022

Spring - April 2022