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Manor Church of England

Infant School

Love, Trust and Truth

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Early Year Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum Intent

At Manor, we strongly believe in an approach which is engaging and meaningful to all children. Our curriculum is largely play based, alongside short whole class and group sessions. We have a free flow environment and encourage children to be independent and make their own decisions. We plan our provision, enhancements and activities based on the current needs and we follow the interests of our children. Our vision is to develop lifelong learners with the skills to overcome challenge and approach the next stage in their learning with enthusiasm, curiosity and resilience. We are committed to supporting the personal and emotional needs of our children and this remains at the heart of our curriculum approach.

In addition to the use of the Statutory Framework for the EYFS and guidance in ‘Development Matters’ to support our curriculum planning across the 7 areas of learning, we have created the following outcomes that we feel are important to teach our current cohort of children based on our observations of them within play, conversations with parents, pre-school transitions and local community. This list is not exhaustive and teaching/planning will respond within the moment to the current needs, next steps and interests of the children. The threads from the EYFS Framework and Development Matters will be taught through a mainly play based curriculum with a carefully planned environment that provides children with opportunities to develop and embed new skills, alongside adults whose role is to support and move on new learning within play. Maths and Literacy skills will be delivered through discrete sessions and embedded through play within continuous and enhanced provision, as well as adult initiated activities where appropriate.





To give our children strategies to help them manage their emotions, develop their emotional understanding and self- regulation.


ELSA support where needed.

Heartsmart teaching in PSHE education.

Key worker approach with Family Groups.

Using ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas to support children in recognising and expressing emotions and feelings appropriately.


Children will understand and use language of Heartsmart to express feelings. Children will know strategies to feel calm.

Children to have a good understanding of differences within our classroom – including SEND and medical conditions


Initial topic upon starting school – ‘Marvellous Me’ – celebrating all as individuals.

Teaching sessions/snack times/key person times.

Circle times focussed on differences/ similarities and inclusion for the children.

Training for adults.


Children are accepting of differences within their cohort and learn tolerance and respect for all others.


To provide children with opportunities in developing gross and fine motor skills.

Morning tasks involving specifically fine motor activities such as cutting skills, pencil control and practising the correct pencil grasp.

A range of both gross motor and fine motor opportunities available in continuous and enhanced provision for the children to access, including bike riding.

Opportunities for tummy time – to encourage upper body strength and co-ordination.

2 weekly PE sessions including use of the Children’s Therapy Pack.



Children will have better control of their pivotal shoulder, elbow and wrist movements to increase competence of using a pencil or small equipment such as scissors.

Children to gain a solid understanding of number and numerical patterns in line with the adjusted EYFS curriculum.

NCETM sessions daily.

Simple, paced maths lessons with quality input to embed prior learning and build upon number knowledge, encourage problem solving and reasoning.

Opportunities within Continuous Provision/ Enhancements in the classroom (dedicated Maths Zone area of classroom)

Drip feed style encouragement to count – number of the week, interactive working walls on display, ‘How many children are in Blue Class today?’ sign.


Children will have an embedding knowledge of numbers to 20; knowing the value of a number, subitising and using number facts for problem solving.

Children to have an understanding of local community make up and wider world.


Snack time/ chat time, continuous provision, visitors, trips into the local community.

Interfaith Week – learning about Judaism – Autumn 2.

Harvest Festival – donations to food bank (whole school)

Love in a Box (whole school)

Inter Faith Week - November

Trip to Hindu Temple - Jan 2023

Children are open to learning about different cultures, races, religions and beliefs and show respect to everybody. Children are proud to share their culture.

Children to embrace the natural world and love of learning through the outdoors, as well as develop their physical confidence, resilience and problem solving skills.


Trailblazer sessions

Weekly welly walks with learning focus each week.

Outdoor learning available at all times – free flow approach in continuous provision.

Planet Protectors.


Children will be active learners in the forest, taking charge of their own learning. Children will have a lifelong respect for nature and the human impact on the environment.

For our children to have opportunities to develop their storytelling skills, increase their vocabulary and explore imaginary worlds


Daily story times. Snack time/ chat time, Story stones, Helicopter stories, use of technology, environment and enhanced provision to encourage talk, Pie Corbett story sessions.

Children’s Therapy Pack, Travelling Ted, puppets.

Literacy working wall and support aids (sound mats and topic word mats) available at all times.

Role Play opportunities in continuous provision.

Enhancements based on focus story to encourage independent continued learning.


Children will have a solid understanding of what makes a narrative and will confidently create their own imaginative


Experiences and appreciation of arts and culture.


Theatre trips, art gallery trips, ‘Praizin’ Hands’ visits, class trips, art classes, playdough and modelling, learning about local and famous artists – artist studies.

Interfaith week.


Children enjoy and experience a range of opportunities which will enrich their learning of the arts from both our country and others.

For our children to have the opportunity to develop independence skills that have been affected by lockdowns/lack of time in preschool/extra time at home etc.


Environment, role of the adult, partnership with parents.



All children will be able to dress independently, use the toilet independently, access their own resources and tidy them away, make their own decisions and attempt to solve problems with a ‘can do’ attitude.

