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Manor Church of England

Infant School

Love, Trust and Truth

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Physical Education

P.E. Curriculum Intent

At Manor, our PE curriculum enables children to:

  • engage in physical activity twice every week;
  • enjoy physical activity at their own level;
  • challenge themselves to always try their best;
  • develop their gross motor skills;
  • be able to use a range of PE equipment, e.g. bats and balls, with increasing control;
  • understand the importance of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle;
  • work on their own, in pairs and in small groups;
  • work collaboratively;
  • move equipment safely and carefully;
  • be aware of the risks associated with using equipment, including gymnastics equipment.


  • In the EYFS, children have lots of opportunities for physical activities through their continuous provision.
  • In the EYFS, in the 1st half of the Autumn Term, the PE sessions use the activities from the Achieving Body Control (ABC) unit to develop gross motor skills, from the Children’s Therapy Service.
  • In the EYFS and Key Stage 1, coaches from R&R Sports teach the children team games.
  • The National Curriculum objectives for Key Stage 1 P.E. have been planned across each year group and includes gymnastics, games and dance.
  • In Key Stage 1, children are taught 2 hours of P.E. a week, sessions are based on the real P.E. scheme of work, dance and gymnastics.


At Manor, we use a range of teaching strategies in our P.E. lessons aimed at developing the children’s agility, balance and co-ordination. We encourage the children to work individually and in groups. The children observe others so that they can set themselves targets to improve their work.




We run After School Clubs which provide children with the opportunity to attend sports clubs outside of school hours. The clubs are run by sports coaches, e.g. R&R Sports and Chantelle’s Dance.



Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development


In our teaching of P.E. we contribute where possible to the children’s spiritual development. We encourage children to work in different groupings for P.E. and to take on a range of roles during the group work. Children are encouraged to support each other by giving positive feedback and then suggesting ways children’s work could be improved.



To support our curriculum, we also teach swimming to the children in Year 2. This has provided many children with an opportunity to experience swimming for the first time at a local sports centre. We also take our children to a wide range of sporting festival and competitions run by the New Forest School Sports Partnership. These events allow the children to opportunity to engage in sporting activities at different venues and to work with children from other schools.


By the time the children leave Manor at the end of Year 2 they will:

  • engage in a variety of physical activities every week;
  • have an enjoyment of physical activity at their own level;
  • challenge themselves to always try their best;
  • develop good gross motor skills;
  • develop good control when using a range of PE equipment;
  • understand the importance of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle;
  • work on their own, in pairs and in small groups;
  • work collaboratively.

