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Infant School

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Year 2 Chestnut Class

Year 2 Home Learning

Thursday 19th December 2024


Please find below some home learning activities below for children in Year 2 for Thursday 19th December:



We use Little Wandle to teach Phonics and Spelling at school. For more information visit:


Please find below the following words we are learning how to spell.

Children can have a go at writing some sentences containing these words?


giggle        lamb         rocket        wrong        whale

fizz        summer        floater        shiver         mixer

stuck        stitch        crunch        mask         comic

coaches         drumming        moaning        passes         quizzes

sprayed        shaking        spied        being         hurried



Phonics Bloom allows your child to read tricky words, spell words and use suffixes in fun interactive games:



Spelling Shed

To help with the spellings we are learning, the children all have a log in for Spelling Shed. Here is the link for Spelling Shed:

Please email for the log in -




Please continue to read with your child.


This week we are answering the question:

Inference – What does the writer do to make you think/feel that?


Children can write about their favourite character/part/fact from the book?


Oxford Owls has an e-library you are able to access.

Some of our school books are also available here:




This week we are leaning about fractions in maths.


The following link provides children with some fraction learning:

Please find attached activities for your child.


The following online games can support your child with Maths and link with our learning in Year 2. We are working with numbers 0-100.

Number recognition:

Place value/recognising dienes:

Ordering numbers:





Please find below some writing activities:


Activity 1 - The children in Chestnut Class have been learning about castles. Write some information about castles based on your learning.


Activity 2 - Write a letter to Santa.


Check your writing for:

  • Punctuation - capital letters, finger spaces, full stops (could you use exclamation or question marks).
  • Have you used adjectives? (e.g. blue, big, small)
  • Have you used conjunctions? (e.g. and, when, but)



If you need any additional resources, feel free to email:


Year 2 Home Learning


Please find below some home learning activities below for children in Year 2:



We use Little Wandle to teach Phonics and Spelling at school. For more information visit:


For interactive Phonics games, Phonics Play is a useful resource (we are working on phases 3-6).  

Here are some links to games:


Phonics Bloom allows your child to read tricky words, spell words and use suffixes in fun interactive games:



Spelling Shed

To help with the spellings we are learning, the children all have a log in for Spelling Shed. Here is the link for Spelling Shed:



Please continue to read with your child. If you would like some books to share please contact the school.


Example questions:

  • What has happened?
  • Who is the main character?
  • Why do you think...?
  • What are the key events?
  • What did you learn?


Oxford Owls has an e-library you are able to access.

Some of our school books are also available here:




The following online games can support your child with Maths and link with our learning in Year 2. We are working with numbers 0-100.

Number recognition:

Place value/recognising dienes:

Ordering numbers:


  • Count to and back from 100, start counting from different numbers.
  • Count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.
  • Look for 2-digit numbers around your house. Read numbers 0-100.
  • Draw numbers using dienes and describe how many tens and ones there are.
  • Add and subtract using a number line or dienes.
  • Add two 2-digit numbers together not crossing the 10s boundary, e.g. 45 + 23 =.
  • Add two 2-digit numbers together crossing the 10s boundary, e.g. 47 + 38 =.
  • Subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number, e.g. 59 - 6 =.
  • Subtract a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number, e.g. 48 - 14 =.



  • Write a list of the things you can see.
  • Write a letter to a friend.
  • Write labels for some of your toys.
  • Draw a picture of something you can see and write about it.
  • Write instructions to make a cake.


Check your writing for:

  • Punctuation - capital letters, finger spaces, full stops (could you use exclamation or question marks).
  • Have you used adjectives? (e.g. blue, big, small)
  • Have you used conjunctions? (e.g. and, when, but)


If you need any additional resources, feel free to email:
