Special Educational Needs – SEN
At Manor Infant School we believe that all children are of equal value and have the same right to take part and be included in the varied activities and opportunities available to them. We aim to meet the individual needs of all of our children and provide opportunities for them to reach their maximum potential. The school aims to identify pupils with special educational needs as early as possible in order to ensure appropriate support is provided, to enable them to access the full curriculum.
Some children require modified programmes of study to enable them to achieve. These children will be set targets on an individual education plan (IEP) or individual behaviour plan (IBP) and their progress will be closely monitored. The individual plans are always shared with parents.
The school will request advice from external agencies where needed to support pupil’s progress. These experts may include the Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Advisory teachers, Bi-lingual Support Services, Educational Welfare Officer, Physiotherapists and members of the Health Authority.
The school site is level and the building is accessible by wheelchair. We take County Council advice if our facilities need modification to suit the needs of children with specific disabilities.
Please find below a link to our SEN report.
SEN Information Report
EHCP Parent Information
Paediatric Audiology Service
Please see the below link for a self-referral form so that parents/guardians/professionals can refer children to the Paediatric Audiology Service if there are concerns about hearing.
Equal Opportunities
It is the policy of the school to ensure that all pupils have equal access to the curriculum and the various activities which take place in school. Through its ethos, attitudes, management and organisation the school provides equal opportunities for all. We endeavour to ensure that resources and materials are appropriate and non-discriminatory and relate to the needs and aspirations of all children irrespective of gender, disability, culture, creed and social background.