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Manor Church of England

Infant School

Love, Trust and Truth

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Useful Information

Parental Involvement

We recognise the wealth of information parents have about their children and we value parental involvement.

We believe that it is very important to ensure that parents are kept fully informed about the progress made by their children and believe that your support is invaluable to your child’s progress. We publish a newsletter at least once each month informing parents of school events. Parents are informed half termly by letter about the topics and areas of learning their children are currently studying.

There is an opportunity to meet the new class teacher at the beginning of the year and teachers are always willing to arrange meetings throughout the year to discuss progress, targets or any concerns.

Parents are invited to work sharing events throughout the year.  Parents are invited to look at children’s work, discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher and talk about ways in which they can support their child’s learning. At the end of the academic year a report will be sent out on the year’s progress. Parents are again given the opportunity to discuss this report with the class teacher.

We are always grateful for parent help within the classroom and if you have any time to spare, this is an ideal way of seeing the National Curriculum at work. We are required to make necessary suitability checks on all persons working within school.


Parental Concerns

It is our aim to support parents as fully as possible in the best interests of their child. We encourage all parents to approach the school if they have any enquiries/comments about the education or care of their child or any school policies or procedures. We ask all parents to discuss any concerns they may have with either the class teacher or head teacher. A copy of the complaints procedure can be obtained from the school office.


Internet Concerns

We have a school Computing Charter which is shared with parents and children on entry to school.

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s safety through using the internet you can visit the following website which will give you further information and advice:

School Term Dates

Information of help and support for New Forest residents.

Parent View

Parent View is a website that gives parents and carers the chance to tell Ofsted what they think about their child’s school, from how happy their child is at school, whether their child feels safe, to the quality of teaching and behaviour. The survey can be completed at any time; you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected. If you would like to complete an online questionnaire, please use the link below to register. You will need to use the full school name: ‘Manor Church of England Infant School’ as there are other schools with similar names in other parts of Hampshire.
