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Manor Church of England

Infant School

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School Council

Harvest 2024

The Year 2 Councillors delivered our Harvest food collection to the local Foodbank at Blackfield.

School Councillors 2024


Easter Egg Collection

The School Council organised an Easter Egg collection for the Foodbank. We managed to collect 29 eggs. Well done everybody.

Red Nose Day

The School Council organised a non-uniform day and biscuit sale to raise money for Comic Relief. We raised £106. Well done everybody!

Walk, Scoot or Cycle Day

To promote 'Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel Week' the School Council organised a special event for all children who have walked, scooted or cycled to school. All children who took part were entered into a raffle and some children were lucky enough to win prizes.

Reverse Advent Calendar

The School Council organised a Reverse Advent Calendar to collect food for the local Foodbank. Well done to everybody who donated an item.

Children in Need

The School Council organised a non-uniform day and a biscuit sale. We raised £95, well done everybody.

Be Bright Be Seen

The School Council organised a 'Be Bright Be Seen' day for all the children at school. Everybody wore their brightest clothes and we learnt about making sure we are seen when we are out walking in the darker evenings. Basil the bird even came to visit!


The Year 2 School Councillors delivered our harvest food donation to the Foodbank at Blackfield.

School Council Newsletter 01.03.2024

Children In Need

The School Council organised a non-uniform day and sold biscuits to raise money for Children In Need. In total our school raised £140.70.

Be Bright Be Seen

The School Council organised a non-uniform day to celebrate 'Be Bright Be Seen' day. The whole school walked to St Bernard's Church where our 'Park and Stride' scheme starts.

Harvest Donation

The Year 2 School Councillors delivered our Harvest food collection to the local Foodbank at Blackfield.

School Council 2022-23

Welcome to our new School Councillors. They are very excited about all the things they will plan to improve our school.


Well done everybody. We managed to collect 18 Easter Eggs to donate to the Foodbank. They were very gratefully received.

Red Nose Day

Everyone had a great day at school today celebrating Red Nose Day. We managed to raise £120 for the charity. Well done everybody!

Children in Need

The School Council organised a non-uniform day to raise money for Children in Need. They also sold biscuits that Vicki our school cook had made. The event raised £91.37. Well done everyone.

Be Bright Be Seen

The School Council organised a non-uniform day for the children. Everyone had to wear their brightest clothes. The purpose of the day was to raise the children's awareness of wearing bright clothes in the dark. We also walked to St Bernard's Church to show the children the school 'Park and Stride' route.

October 2021 School Council Newsletter

Harvest Food Donation

The Year 2 School Councillors delivered our Harvest food collection to the Foodbank in Blackfield.

Blue Class Councillors 2021

Red Class Councillors 2021

Yellow Class Councillors 2021

Children in Need 2020

The School Council organised a non uniform day and sold biscuits to raise money for Children in Need.

School Councillors 2020

Yellow Class

Sports Relief

To celebrate Sports Relief on Friday 13th March, the School Council organised a sponsored run around our running track. The children had a great time and managed to complete several laps. A well organised event School Council - well done!


School Council Meal

On Friday 28th February the members of the School Council had a meal with staff from HC3S. The children fed back to them about the most popular meals. They also gave some feedback about the new menu. Thank you HC3S and Vicky, our school cook.

Children in Need 2019

Well done School Council! We raised £82 for Children in Need through the non-uniform day. We also raised £32.20 by selling biscuits which our cook Vicky had made. They were delicious. 
