Travel to School
Modeshift Stars
Modeshift STARS is the national schools award scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel. The scheme encourages schools across the country to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active travel in order to improve the health and well-being of children and young people.
Manor has participated in the scheme since 2017. Since this time we have achieved the Bronze, Silver and now Gold Award.
Why take part?
- Healthier pupils - by encouraging active, healthier lifestyles for young people through more walking, scooting and cycling;
- Safer pupils - identifying issues and improving the quality of the environment around the school;
- Involving the whole school community - children, parents and teachers working together to make a difference;
- Changing behaviour - reducing the number of cars used on the school run.
In June 2021 Manor was nominated for the Modeshift STARS National School Travel Awards by Hampshire County Council. This followed our success in achieving Modeshift STARS accreditation for the work that we have done to promote walking, cycling and other forms of sustainable travel for the journey to school. Of the 3,500 schools that are signed up to Modeshift STARS, we are one of just 78 schools across the country that has been nominated for the 2020/21 National Awards. We were shortlisted to one of three primary schools in Hampshire.
Well done everyone!
Park and Stride
Please help make the school run safer and healthier by joining the families who are already walking, scooting and cycling to school. There’s lots of storage available for your bikes and scooters and it makes a really healthy start to the day, cuts down on congestion and improves the air quality. Areas to avoid parking: Please DO NOT park outside the school gate. Please park outside the five minute walking zone as indicated by the blue circle on the map. Can we ask that you avoid parking along Teachers Way near the school entrance and Wedgewood Close as there will be an increased number of pedestrians coming along there using the Park and Stride at St. Bernard’s Church. Please give priority to pedestrians crossing over Teachers Way and Wedgewood Close. NEVER park on the zig zag markings, yellow lines, near junctions and driveways or reverse into spaces if you can’t see clearly behind you – there might be a very young cyclist or pedestrian there. Thank your for your support.
WOW Walk to School Campaign
Angela Manore from the Travel Planning Team, Juliette Cross from Living Streets and Strider visited Manor to launch our new ‘WOW walk to school campaign’. By regularly walking, scooting, cycling or using the Park and Stride to get to school, your child can earn a badge every month.
Strider visits Manor!
Spring into Action Toolkit
My Journey Calendar
Throughout the year we take part in lots of events:
- Keep Britain Tidy Spring Clean
- Sustrans Bike - to - School Week
- Walk to School Week
- Walktober
- Road SAfety Week
- Your Time to Shine Day
- Scoot to School Week
- Bike Week