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Manor Church of England

Infant School

Love, Trust and Truth

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Geography Curriculum Intent

At Manor, our Geography curriculum enables children to:

  • learn about the World and the different continents and countries;

  • learn about the locality in which they live;

  • learn about the human and physical features of each individual place;

  • use artefacts, maps, atlases, photographs and satellite images;

  • ask questions about the things they see and find out;

  • make observations;

  • explore places. through fieldwork.


At Manor we ensure that geography teaching focuses on enabling children to think as geographers. We place an emphasis on examining geographical primary and secondary sources. In each key stage we give children the opportunity to visit sites of geographical significance, e.g. Lepe Beach. We recognise and value the importance of stories in geography teaching, and we regard this as an important way of stimulating interest in the places. Children should be able to identify physical and human features of places and have the opportunity to ask questions about what they see.


Fieldwork is an important part of the development of Geographical learning at Manor. It is important that the children undertake fieldwork where possible to give them first hand experiences of geography at work. During this fieldwork, the children make observations, gather data, ask and answer questions and record their findings in a range of ways.


In our teaching of geography, we contribute where possible to the children’s spiritual development. We encourage children to work in different groupings for geography and to take on a range of roles in group work. Children are encouraged to ask questions and to empathise with people living in different places whose lives are significantly different to theirs.  They find out how societies have changed over time.


By the time the children leave Manor at the end of Year 2 they will:

  • know about the World and the different continents and countries;
  • know about the locality in which they live;
  • know about the human and physical features of each individual place studied;
  • be able to use artefacts, maps, atlases, photographs and satellite images to broaden their geographical knowledge;
  • be able to ask and answer questions about the things they see and find out;
  • be able to make observations;
  • have explored places in the locality through fieldwork.